It’s World Backup Day: How do you know your files are secure?

March 31, 2022 • In The Media
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World Backup Day on March 31 is a reminder for Australian businesses of all sizes to be on their guard to the heightened risk of cyber attacks – not just from Russia, but also state-sponsored attackers from other parts of the world, writes Michael McKinnon, CIO of Tesserent. Kotchie's Business Builders

There are two types of businesses: those that have a robust backup system in place, and those that will learn the hard way that they need a strong backup system.

Criminals from around the globe are seeking to exploit the current chaos, so it is critical that Australian businesses take steps now to ensure their backups are air-gapped and, ideally, penetration tested.

Small to medium sized businesses are particularly vulnerable. A cyberattack and the loss of critical data can be crippling and lead to losses that can compromise business viability.